Hello! I’m Ilaria Perversi, author and illustrator passionate about extravagant stories and funny characters.
Born and raised in Milan, after obtaining a diploma in Digital Animation I decided to dedicate myself primarily to illustration for children: I write and draw picture books and books for young readers, I draw for games, magazines, animated videos, interactive apps and much more . One of the most rewarding aspects of my work is the opportunity to share the magic of stories with others. This is why I combine my activity as an illustrator with that of a teacher: I teach animation at the Civica scuola di cinema Luchino Visconti and illustration for Feltrinelli Education, I collaborate with Wow Museo del fumetto creating storyboard and animation workshops for children and teenagers, I work with associations, bookshops and libraries throughout Italy offering illustration workshops and courses for adults, creative workshops for children, readings and other activities. I have a soft spot for plants (I own a total of 61!) and dream of adopting a chicken, my favorite animal. Some of my clients: Franco Cosimo Panini, Feltrinelli kids, Editrice il Castoro, Piemme – Il battello a vapore, Clementoni, Headu, Lapis, Edizioni Paoline, Pelledoca, Sabir edizioni, Coccole Books, Pane e Sale, Pulce edizioni, Glifo edizioni, Verbavolant edizioni, Don’ t Movie.EXHIBITIONS AND AWARDS2024 – Exhibition “The ordinary adventures of extraordinary people” for IllustriAmo Montepiano;2022 – Exhibition “Che bèèèèllo!” organized by Imperfect Comunicazione at the Gam in Turin;
2022 – 17th International Exhibition of Contemporary Illustrators themed “STOP”: my illustration “Uh-oh” was selected and included as the image of the month of October in the iconic calendar of the Tapirulan Association and obtained second place in the Popular Prize ;
2021 – Second prize in the “Bestiario del Veneto orientale” competition with my illustration called Tarabusino, organized by Project Engreen, Comune di Gruaro, Studio Radici, Strip Burger, VeGal and Treviso Comic book festival;
2019 – First prize in the “Canapainsieme” competition promoted by Soroptimist Valle D’Aosta for the project “Chanvre d’enfant” created in collaboration with Imma Pezzella.
CONTACTS I love drawing for anything and falling in love with new projects. If you’d like to propose a collaboration, here’s where you can find me: